Homemade Mayo

I worked in the Test Kitchen at Rodale for a while, and we often tested “hacks”, most of which were pretty useless. But when one of them revealed a little hole in the top of most food processors that allows you to make perfectly emulsified mayonnaise every time, I took notice. “Homemade mayo?” you ask. “Why bother?” Right? Well, I sort of agree, but I like knowing exactly what goes into my food and honestly, I’ve come to love the weird grassy flavor that olive oil imparts. So, I encourage you to try it! The key to this recipe is to make sure that your egg is at room temperature. 

1 egg, at room temperature

1/2 teaspoon ground mustard

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 cup oil of your choice (avocado is a good one, or a light tasting olive oil)

juice of 1/2 a lemon

In a food processor, pulse together the egg, mustard and salt with a couple tablespoons of the oil. With the machine running, pour the remaining oil through the tube at the top of your processor, letting it stream into the egg. (See photos below) Once all the oil is incorporated, the mayo should look fluffy and creamy. Stir in the lemon juice. Enjoy as-is, or stir in any number of extras: roasted garlic, smoked paprika, fresh herbs, etc. Take note of the expiration date on your eggs: that’s when your mayo will expire, too. 
